How to read this page

White text is text you have to type in
Blue text is response text that comes from the game
Red text is for my notes (not part of the game)

Listing mails Sending mail Reading mail Voting on mail Commenting on mail Common mailing lists

@mail - Listing mails

 @mail on *list will show you the most recent 15 messages on a mailing list

 @mail on *gr


@mail on *gr
15 messages on *game-reports (#103701):
2365:  Newbies shouldn't have to wait the 14 days for FCPD Corp prote
 Cal             +3/  0 Dropped  by Hamaris         Nov 19 2016
2366:  Marriage and you - As the rightfully elected mayor of Freedom
 Sobek           +3/  0 Impl     by Hamaris         Nov 20 2016
2367:  Numbler the dice coming out of the dicebag
 LoveMachine      0/  0 Open     Asgn: Hamaris      Nov 20 2016
2368:  Alcohol flask should go under containers, not misc.
 Cal             +1/  0 Impl     by Eazy            Nov 22 2016
2369:  Make Damaris a redmin. He does great good in the community.
 LoveMachine    +11/ -1 New      Unassigned         Nov 22 2016
2370:  [GEORGE_FOREMAN (#1425246):  leapfrog stress]
 Eazy            +2/  0 New      Unassigned         Nov 23 2016
2371:  Make boxes of shotgun shells count as ammunition.
 Vulkik          +5/  0 New      Unassigned         Nov 23 2016
2372:  Medic/scalpel tohit isn't debuffed by fire
 Nyll            +3/ -4 New      Unassigned         Nov 24 2016
2373:  Carebear caring chat filter
 LoveMachine    +13/ -2 Possible Unassigned         Nov 24 2016
2374:  Waste Catalyst - Change the recipe to use a multi-chip module
 Kaphrampus       0/  0 Impl     by Kaphrampus      Nov 25 2016
2375:  diary of a three mute chromemouth
 Buggo            0/  0 New      Unassigned         Nov 27 2016
2376:  Raise N tag to 25k XP - I'm proposing that we raise the N tag
 LoveMachine    +17/ -6 New      Unassigned         Nov 29 2016
2377:  Vampires and the stat buff cap
 Liviana         +4/ -1 Open     Unassigned         Dec 1 15:21
2378:  lets tweak this mutation more so i can get it right jesus chri
 Kaphrampus      +4/  0 Impl     by Kaphrampus      Dec 3 15:51
2379:  Individualized corp listperm
 LoveMachine      0/  0 New      Unassigned         Dec 3 17:42

@send - Sending mail

 @send will allow you to post a mail to a player or mailing list

 @send player_name
 @send *mailing_list


@send me
a line of input [or `@abort' to abort.]
This is an example message
Enter lines of message:
[Type lines of input; use `.' to end or `@abort' to abort the command.]
Here is where I write my body
It doesn't matter how many new lines I type

This is still in the body
End the message with a period only
Message sent to LoveMachine (#1124656).

@read - Reading mail

 @read will allow you to read a mail from a player or mailing list

 @read mail_nubmer
 @send mail_number on *mailing_list


You have new mail (72) from LoveMachine (#1124656).
Type `help mail' for info on reading it.
@read 72

72 on LoveMachine (#1124656) // Mon Nov 28 18:46:58 2016 PST

This is an example message // From: LoveMachine

Here is where I write my body
It doesn't matter how many new lines I type

This is still in the body
End the message with a period only

@yes or @no - Voting on mail

 Voting will allow you to show your support or voice your opinion against a post. This is very common in the *ideas and *game-reports mailing lists.
 @read mail_nubmer
 @send mail_number on *mailing_list


@yes 25 on *biz
Voted +1 on *c-MEME/25.

(or alternatively)
@no 25 on *biz
Voted -1 on *c-MEME/25.

@comment - Commenting on mail

 @comment will allow you to comment on an individual mail from a mailing list

 @comment mail_nubmer on *mailing_list

@comment 25 on *biz Thank you
Comment added to *c-MEME/25.

Common mailing lists and what they are for

*id - *ideas: New ideas that players think should be in the gamebr
*gr - *game-reports: Ideas on things already in the game
*cap - *crime-and-punishment: People who get punished, are posted here
*com - *comedy: This is supposed to be for funny things
*biz - *c-CORPNAME: This is your corp's mailing list

 *biz is an alias for your corp's mailing list
 e.g.: if my corp name is MEME, then my *biz is an alias for *c-MEME

See also: help mail, help mail2