You made a pistol hammer out of a rusty old .38 caliber revolver, a roll of duct tape, and a pile of scrap wood. You made a christmas tree out of ten bundles of rubber tree leaves, three iron bars, two lengths of plastic tubing, two piles of scrap wood, and a log. You made a scavengers chemical suit out of a heavy yellow chemical suit, two tires, two spools of plasteel wire, two chrome hubcaps, four rolls of duct tape, two reinforced flex tubes, an electrical cord, five short steel pipes, eight long steel pipes, two spools of brass wire, a rusted pot, four license plates, a beaker of chemical hardening treatment, and a rusted radiator. You made a tire armor out of five tires, two spools of brass wire, a pair of cargo pants, a black shirt, two short lengths of copper wire, and two human skins. You made a bone knife out of a skull. You made a face-bone mask out of a skull and two vines. You made a wooden stake out of a pile of scrap wood. You made a broken bottle out of a bottle of KIRIN beer. You made a weaponized arm out of an arm and a bottle of embalming fluid. You made a boomerang out of a pile of scrap wood. You made a roll of makeshift bandages out of an Iron Maiden t-shirt. You made a roll of makeshift tourniquet out of an Iron Maiden t-shirt. You made a pair of fist wraps out of five rolls of makeshift bandages. You made a razor wire whip out of four lengths of rusty razor ribbon, a roll of duct tape, and a rusty metal spike. You made a rusty spike spear out of a rusty metal spike, a roll of duct tape, and a sharp pole. You made a medical encyclopedia out of a medical encyclopedia pages (M-R), a book binding kit, a medical encyclopedia pages (A-F), a medical encyclopedia pages (G-L), and a medical encyclopedia pages (S-Z). You made a ghillie suit out of a score of mossy barks, a pair of cargo pants, a black shirt, two short lengths of copper wire, and two beefalo hides. You made a skull roomba box out of a skull and a roomba box. You made a shamanic toilet seat headdress out of a stained toilet seat, an electrical cord, a feathered boa, and a can of spraypaint. You made a blockchain out of a link whip and a cinder block. You made a catlass out of a paw of a dead kitten, a roll of duct tape, a can of spraypaint, an aluminum plate, and a cutlass. You made a spiked board out of a pile of scrap wood and a rusty metal spike. You made a razor bat out of a baseball bat and two lengths of rusty razor ribbon. You made a salvaged gas mask out of a roll of duct tape and a gas mask. You made a macaroni picture out of a scrap of notebook paper and a dried pasta. You made a JO crystal spear out of a crystal spike, three short lengths of copper wire, a jizz, and a sharp pole. You made a batch of sashimi out of a used condom. You made a nigiri out of a batch of sashimi and a bowl of sushi rice. You made a temaki out of a bowl of sushi rice, a batch of sashimi, and a blade of kelp. You made a sharpened teeth out of a jawbone. You made a skull bong out of a skull, three o-rings, a short steel pipe, and a long steel pipe. You made a belt with an enormous buckle shaped like Texas out of an enormous belt buckle shaped like Texas and a leather belt. You made a crack pipe out of a glass tube and a Brillo pad. You made a set of cinderblock bookshelves out of ten cinder blocks and four piles of scrap wood. You made a wooden cross out of a spike spear, a rusty spike spear, and a vine. You made a sock with a half-brick out of a pair of black silk socks and a chunk of brick. You made a flint knife out of a piece of flint and a vine. You made a potmetal lockpick out of two license plates. You made a license plate loincloth out of a license plate, a chudskin loincloth, and a short length of copper wire. You made a pair of scrap boots out of six license plates, a pair of work boots, two chrome hubcaps, and a roll of duct tape. You made a scrap pants out of ten license plates, a pair of cargo pants, three chrome hubcaps, and two aluminum plates. You made a padlock on a chain out of a length of steel chain and a keyed lock. You made a leather whip out of ten human skins. You made a shank out of a spoon. You made a shiv out of two license plates. You made a fiber mesh out of six fibrous tissues. You made a tinfoil hat out of a roll of tinfoil and a length of grip tape. You made a salvaged fragmentation grenade out of two rusty metal spikes, a bag of gunpowder, two lengths of rusty razor ribbon, and a firing pin assembly. You made a handful of empty brass rounds out of four empty brass rounds. You made an opened crate out of two piles of scrap wood and a climbing rope. You made an improvised splint (wood) out of a pile of scrap wood and six rolls of makeshift bandages. You made an improvised splint (pipe) out of two long steel pipes and six rolls of makeshift bandages. You made a cigar out of a cigar and a cheap firecracker.